
Insurance Defense

We understand insurers' need for streamlined and efficient legal services. We seek creative and novel approaches to the effective litigation, negotiation, and resolution of insurance defense cases, representing primary insurers, excess insurers, and reinsurers.  We interpret insurance policies, draft and file responses to lawsuits on behalf of clients, locate expert witnesses, prepare oral and written discovery, negotiate settlements and bring cases to trial when necessary.  We have earned a reputation for hard work and outstanding results in all aspects of our practice.

We represent insurance companies in the following cases:

  • Personal injuries from automobile accidents
  • Claims for property damage
  • Commercial casualty losses from fires, storms and other events
  • Deliberate intent claims

© 2025 The LeCrone Law Firm, P.C. | Disclaimer
123 N. Crockett, Suite 200, Sherman, TX 75090
| Phone: 903.813.1900

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